
Either you came across this article because you are having troubles with your unit’s touchscreen – or what is called “Ghost Touch” lately, or you already had your touchscreen “repaired” by someone else previously and the problem came back or it’s got even worse than before, please take your time and read it all to better understand what you should be looking for and what to avoid when it comes to getting it fixed.

Of course, the internet is already full of “how to” articles and videos on this subject with many offering repairs for the very common fault these units develop. But have you ever wondered if or how many of them are doing it correctly or what is “The Correct Way to do it”?

What is the correct way to repair the Ghost Touch problem on Discover Media Mib2 PQ Sat Nav?

The touchscreen | digitiser on these units is glued to the LCD from factory with a very thick layer of Oca Glue (not only on the edges, but the whole surface between them), therefore a vast experience and the right tools are required to take them apart without causing catastrophic damage to the LCD (display itself). “Why take them apart?” will many of you ask.. Because this is “The Correct Way” to do it! Taking them apart, cleaning the leftover glue from the LCD and fitting a brand new Digitiser is what we call a Correct Replacement or Repair and how it should be done on Composition Media and Discover Media Mib2 PQ Sat Nav units with faulty touschscreen | digitiser!

As mentioned above, many are offering “Repair” services for this specific problem, but do they do it the right way? No, Most of them are Not! Taking the whole display out of the frame and attaching a new digitiser on top of the original one, calling it a “repair” because that’s how they’ve seen on a video online, is Not a Repair. Yes it works (or better said it might work for a while) but it’s a NO NO (NO!), and excluding the fact they are charging the same or more than what the very few doing it correctly are charging, we’ll explain why:

  • the display as it was designed and fitted from factory has it’s own limits in terms of space is seated into, adding another digitiser on top of the original one and fitting everything back together puts A LOT of pressure on the LCD itself and on the Display’s PCB, which as said already can cause catastrophic damage to the LCD or the PCB. We’ve had many units in this case and some were lucky while others ended up needing the whole display replaced.
  • it affects the Visual quality, even if many will not notice it.

Can you do it yourself?

If you’re happy having it done “the wrong way” then probably you can, you just need to be confident enough to disconnect a couple of ribbon cables and take out a few screws but under NO circumstance ever attempt to take apart the original touchscreen from the LCD without having the experience for such a job and the right tools, and when we say “the right tools” we don’t mean a blade or a screwdriver (yes, we had many cracked LCD’s from people trying to remove the touchscreen using them). We DO NOT recommend either having it done “the wrong way” or trying to do it yourself! A cracked LCD cannot be repaired, it will need replacing and they’re not cheap!

Usual faults:

  • Unit touchscreen not responding
  • Unit is selecting and moving the image on the screen by itself
  • Dead spots on touchscreen – ex: unable to input postcode
  • Scratches or cracks on touchscreen (Not on the LCD itself)

This applies to all Discover and Composition Media Mib2 PQ units that were used in Vw Transporter T6, Caravelle, Amarok, Tiguan, Caddy, Sharan, Scirocco, Skoda Yeti, Seat Alhambra.

Part numbers -> where “x” can be any letter: 5C0035680 x – 5C0035200 x – 7N5035680 x – 7N5035200 x – 5L0035680 x – 5L0035200 x etc.

So if your unit has developed the faults mentioned above and you are looking to have it fixed, we leave it to you to decide how and where to get it sorted, just bear in mind that in UK there’s only a few places (can be counted on one hand) that we can name (including us) which would do the repair “The Correct Way”.

If you had your unit’s touchscreen “repaired” previously and the faults came back or you know for sure it was done the wrong way (you’ll probably feel like you’ve been robbed if you paid for having it done), we can take care of it at NaviTex until is too late.

Yes, we do have a same day turn around for this specific repair service but is not because we do it the wrong way, is because we have genuine displays in stock with brand new digitisers fitted, so when we receive a unit with this fault we put one of our displays in and keep the faulty one, when we reach 5-10 faulty displays we then replace the digitisers on them “The Correct Way” to get them ready for the next units coming in with faulty touchscreen | digitiser.

If you wish to book your repair with us please get in touch with us at: +447500 070050